Counting Down

I know I have been remiss in writing.  It is week six and the count down to returning home has begun!  My schedule has been very full.  I am exploring some new avenues of healing that are rather new to me so it is taking time to put that information together for you.  My energy is waning and the internet here is spotty at best so bear with me as I get this posted.

In the meantime, I’ll give a quick update. The first two weeks here included detoxifying homeopathic remedies.  The second two weeks included various shots to build the immune system and in the third two weeks the shots are for detoxifying again.

Along with all of this, there have been many infusions to activate the immune system. This approach is much different than the usual “big three” (surgery, chemo and radiation) which suppress and/or destroy the immune system.  Tell me, what happens to the body then?  Now, not only can that body not fight the cancer, but it can no longer fight much of anything else and it becomes susceptible to many other problems as well.

Incidentally, today during infusion, the nurses, as usual, began serving mineral water, herbal tea and apples to the patients.  Such a contrast to the pop and other goodies available in the cancer centers back home.

Another thing we have found is that cancer knows no boundaries.  We have met people from every continent on this planet (well, except Antarctica…no penguins yet) and from about every walk of life.  It strikes the very wealthy, the poor, the aged and the young.  In fact, while we have been here, there have been two very lovely, young women in their early twenties hoping to regain their health.

One aspect of this experience that we had not considered prior to our arrival is the bond that is created in this setting among everyone.  Not only do we have this disease in common, but we have each done considerable research which is liberally shared and discussed.

The obvious conclusion that I have drawn from this time here and over the last three years is that it is much easier to stay well than to get well.  I hope to continue discussing what that means as time goes on.

Let me know if you have any particular questions and I’ll do my best to address them in future posts.

Our Last Adventure:  The Wertheim Castle. It dates back to the 12th century and was partially destroyed by an explosion in 1618.  It received heavy fire during the 30 Days War and stands in ruins today.